
Welcome to Lakeview Clinic TeleHealth

Provider telehealth appointments can be scheduled with your preferred provider during regular clinic hours.

If you are looking for a virtual appointment outside regular clinic hours, try Lakeview’s Virtual Convenient Care service.


We are committed to providing you the highest quality of care in-person and/or virtual care. To do this effectively we REQUIRE that you call our clinic appointment line at 952-442-4461 to schedule an appointment.

Patients must be located in Minnesota at the time of their telemedicine visit.

Our providers can only accept patient telehealth appointments that have been prescheduled. After you have scheduled an appointment, please click on your provider that is listed below during your scheduled time. Your provider will accept your invitation when they are available to take you.

Computer Requirements:

Webcam/Camera is a requirement.

*** 5MB or more internet connection or LTE Cellular Service Required***

*** Please STOP all streaming services before your Telehealth appointment on all other computers and devices in your house – (ex. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu…) ***

Supported Computer Browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Safari
  • FireFox
  • (IE and Edge does not work)

Supported Mobile Browsers:

  • Apple Safari
  • Android – Google Chrome
  • (Apple Google Chrome does not work)

    Choose Your Provider

    Search and select your providers name to login for your scheduled Telehealth appointment.

    Need to schedule? Call (952) 442-4461.


    Our phones are temporarily down.  Please use our online scheduling or Patient Portal.  Status on the phone will updated on this page as soon as possible.  

    Schedule Online