Proper Medication and Sharps Disposal
In order to prevent medication misuse, abuse and environmental safety, Lakeview recommends that all patients utilize county disposal locations to ensure their medications are being properly disposed of. It is important to remember that once you’ve begun taking an antibiotic, it is important to use up the entire quantity prescribed, even if you are feeling better. Not using all doses of an antibiotic could lead to development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.
Minnesota Department of Health has an interactive map to help residents find disposal locations. Most Minnesota counties also provide multiple locations for medication disposal, many of which are available 24/7. Links for local county disposal information can be found below.
Sharps and syringes SHOULD NOT be brought to these medication disposal locations. Instead, refer to resources in your county that provide education on proper disposal and drop off locations for sharps and syringes. A list of these resources is available below.
Local County Medication Disposal

More information on proper disposal methods for sharps can be found on Safe Needle Disposal Organization’s website.