It is important to acknowledge that prenatal care is done on an individual basis and can vary significantly depending on maternal and/or fetal conditions. The following outlines a typical schedule of obstetric visits and what you can expect during prenatal care. The Lakeview Clinic OB/GYN team takes pride in providing outstanding, evidence-based care to each of our patients.

Lakeview Clinic’s OB/GYN providers deliver compassionate, high-quality care for expecting mothers.
First Trimester Visits
5-7 Weeks Gestation
At this visit, we will confirm pregnancy, discuss personal medical risks and medication safety. Due dates will be calculated as well and are typically based on first day of last menstrual period. Other topics may include early pregnancy symptoms and concerning signs/symptoms of potential issues such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
8-9 Weeks Gestation
At this point, an optional early pregnancy ultrasound can be performed by one of the OB/GYN physicians in the office. This allows for confirming and establishing the due date, the viability, and number of fetuses.
11-13 Weeks Gestation
This is the first OB visit where your medical history is reviewed, blood work is done including optional noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT), and we listen to the fetal heartbeat.
Second Trimester Visits
Prenatal visits typically occur every 4 weeks (16, 20, 24, and 28 weeks) with an OB physician.
20 Weeks Gestation
A fetal anatomy survey is performed in order to evaluate the fetal, maternal, and placental anatomy and confirm the estimated due date/size of the baby. This can be done in our clinic by an ultrasound technologist. The ultrasound is then read by a radiologist who will review the survey with your OB physician
26-28 Weeks Gestation
Blood work is done to evaluate for gestational diabetes, anemia, etc., Tdap vaccine and Rhogam if needed are also recommended.
Third Trimester Visits
30 Weeks Gestation
At this point prenatal visits become more frequent and take place every 2 weeks. These more frequent visits are recommended to closely monitor blood pressure and fetal growth.
36 Weeks Gestation
During this visit, a Group B Strep test is performed, and fetal presentation is confirmed (We are looking to see that baby is head down; we use the term Vertex presentation). We can tell this either by cervical check or a brief ultrasound that the OB does to confirm. Weekly visits start now.
When it is Time for Baby’s Arrival
All of our patients deliver at Ridgeview’s Birthing Center. The birthing center has six private labor rooms. Two of the rooms have large tubs and all have showers.
While we all thoroughly enjoy attending the deliveries of our own patients this is not always possible. In general, we try our best to be there for our patient’s labor and delivery. If we are unavailable, one of the other Lakeview OB partners who is on call will attend and take great care of you during labor and delivery. You can also expect to see one of us every day that you are in the hospital both while in labor and postpartum. We are also happy to help you get established with an experienced provider for newborn care at Lakeview Clinic. Newborn visits are available daily. We also follow up with you in the office 6 weeks postpartum and sooner whenever needed. Our patients are our priority, and we welcome and accept newly pregnant patients every day.
Dr. Erin Chinnock
Dr. Erin Chinnock sees patients at Lakeview in Chaska and Waconia. Her practice involves both obstetrics and gynecology. She cares for patients with a wide variety of concerns related to reproductive health, pregnancy, and menopause. Her areas of interest include preventative care, low and high-risk obstetrics, contraception and sexual health.